Plastic Surgery In Portland

Santa Barbara Medical Innovations (SBMI) announced today Dr. Thomas E. Young, one of nine hundred Zerona physicians’, received the prestigious “Best Overall Body Makeover” award at THE Aesthetic show last month.
Dr. Young of Young Medical Spa in Center Valley, PA, an expert in body contouring, received the top honor for his remarkable body transformation results from his famous “The Jodi Project”. Dr. Young and his team performed a year-long full body makeover resulting in amazing results and a very pleased patient.

Lip Augmentation in Portland, Oregon

Full, beautiful lips can dramatically enhance a woman's face. To that end, lip augmentation has become increasingly popular in recent years. Many fashion models and actresses have beautiful lips; many which are the product of lip augmentation.  With new and improved filler materials (such as Juvederm) beautifully enhanced lips are now possible for nearly everyone.
When selecting a surgeon for nose surgery (Rhinoplasty), we recommend a careful study of before and after photos. Most patients seek a softened natural look. All noses should definitely not look the same. The best result is balanced with one’s overall appearance.
The days of “turned up” or “bobbed noses” are long gone. Modern surgery concentrates on softening the aspects of the nose each patient finds troublesome. A typical example is a women with a harsh, masculine nose that is out of balance with her more delicate, feminine features. In this example, the surgical goal is not to create a new nose but rather to take emphasis away from the nose and let the eyes be the first thing people notice.
